Currency Convertor Project

In this project, you'll build an application that converts one currency to another. You will get the current conversion data using an API. You will also create the layout to provide the user the option to choose the two currencies and the quantity. Finally, you'll convert one currency to the other and show it to the user. To get started, please scroll down and look at the tasks listed below.

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Task 1

Create a basic HTML structure
  1. An input field for the amount to be converted.

  2. A drop-down to select the "from" currency value.

  3. A second drop-down to select the "to" currency value.

  4. A convert button.

  5. A <p> tag to show the converted amount.

  6. A <p> tag to show any errors that might occur during the conversion process.

Task 2

Add CSS styling as per the design.

Task 3

Fetch the list of countries using the API endpoint provided.

Task 4

Display the currency list in dropdowns.

Task 5

Retrieve the conversion rate with the ExchangeRate API.
  • Visit ExchangeRate API Website and create an account.

  • After registration, you will receive an API key, which is a unique string that you will use to authenticate your requests.

  • Use the conversion API Endpoint<yourApiKey>/pair/<fromCurrency>/<toCurrency> to retrieve the conversion rate.

  • Replace <yourApiKey> with the API Key you generated in the first step.

  • Replace the <fromCurrency> and <toCurrency> with the user selected currency codes.

Task 6

Use the conversion rate received to implement the currency conversion functionality.

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