Calculator Project

Build a calculator with basic functions: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This project sharpens your skills in DOM manipulation, JavaScript logic, and CSS design. You will be building this project as part of our JavaScript Course.

  • Resources: No external resources required.

  • Things you need to know: Box shadow, Background Color, Browser Events, DOM Manipulation.

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Task 1

Set initial display text to 0, which will update as numbers are entered or calculations are performed.

Below this, add:

  • All the number buttons from 1 to 9, along with 0

  • A decimal point (.)

  • An equals button (=)


Task 2

Add a dedicated section for calculator operations:

  • Include buttons for addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (×), and division (÷).

Also, add extra action buttons for:

  • Clear (C) to reset calculations.

  • Delete (Del) to remove the last digit entered.

  • Remainder (%) for modulus operations.

  • Exponent (Exp) for raising a number to a power.

  • Arrange buttons in the layout as shown in the provided image.

  • Next, add another section for the calculator actions, like add (+), subtract (-), multiply (×), and divide (÷).

  • Also, include buttons for other actions like clear (C), delete (Del), calculating the remainder (%) and exponent (Exp).

  • Maintain the same order as shown in the given image.


Task 3

  • Set the `Helvetica` font for the entire page.

  • Set the background color to #ecf0f1, and use #2d2d2d for the text.

  • Center the calculator on the page

  • Give the calculator a snow background color, rounded corners, and a slight shadow.

  • Make the result display area a bordered box that aligns text to the right so numbers appear neatly.

  • Each button should have padding, a slight shadow, and rounded corners.

  • Make the number buttons lightgray and the action buttons (like +, -, C) palevioletred.

  • When hovering over buttons, make them slightly larger, and when clicked, make them shrink slightly.


Task 4

  • Convert the buttons into a 5 x 4 style grid as per the given image.

  • Make sure each button aligns neatly and is spaced evenly.


Task 5

  • When a number button is clicked, display the number in the result area.

  • If the current display is 0 or if a prior calculation just completed, replace the display with the new number.

  • If the display already shows numbers and the user continues typing, append new numbers to the current input.


Task 6

Handle operation button clicks (+, -, ×, ÷, .):

  • When an operation button is clicked, store the first number and selected operation.

  • Clear the display area so the user can enter the second number for the operation.


Task 7

Set up functionality for the equals button (=):

  • When pressed, perform the calculation based on the selected operation.

  • Display the result in the display area.


Task 8

Handle special actions for specific buttons:

  • Clear (C): Reset the result display to 0.

  • Delete (Del): Remove the last digit from the current input in the result area.

  • Exponent (Exp): Raise the first number to the power of the second number entered.

  • Remainder (%): Calculate and display the remainder when dividing the first number by the second.


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