Tic-Tac-Toe Project

In this project, you'll create the tic-tac-toe game. This is a two-player game. Player 1 will click on a cell to mark an 'X' in it. Player 2 will then click on a different cell to mark an 'O' in it. This will continue till a player gets three marks of the same kind in a row. The three consecutive marks can be horizontal, vertical or even diagonal. You'll create the layout of the game and handle the winning, losing or tie conditions. To get started, please scroll down and look at the tasks listed below..

  • Resources: Background Image, Icons.

  • Things you need to know: Conditionals, Functions, HTML DOM Selection and Manipulation, Browser Events.

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Task 1

Add background color & the heading.

Task 2

Create a basic grid structure and a reset button.

Task 3

Add functionality to show player 1 and player 2 moves.

Task 4

Display the winner.

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