Password Generator Project

In this project, you'll make an application that creates strong passwords for the user. You will add features to control which characters are allowed in the password. Finally, you'll provide the user the ability to copy this password and use it. To get started, please scroll down and look at the tasks listed below.

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Task 1

Set up a basic user interface.
  1. Add a heading: "Password Generator."

  2. Include a section to display the generated password with a "Copy Password" button.

  3. Insert four checkboxes: "Include Numbers", "Include Letters", "Include Mixed Case", and "Include Punctuation"

  4. Include a slider labeled "Total Characters" allowing 6 to 20 characters.

Task 2

Add CSS styling as per the design.

Task 3

Implement functionality.
  • Passwords should be generated according to the selected options.

  • Moving the slider should adjust the password length accordingly.

  • Clicking the "Copy Password" button should copy the password to the clipboard.

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