Learn coding

by actually coding.

100% Online

Learn at the comfort of your own home. All you need is a laptop and an internet connection.

Project Driven

All our courses are project-driven. You'll create 15 beautiful websites during your coding journey with the Academy.





Ruby on Rails



View some of the projects built by our learners

Rock Paper Scissors Spock Game

Gokul S

Battleship game (Classic)

Raina Biju

Battleship Game (Pikachu)

Mahith Santhosh

Battleship Game (Minnal Murali)

Shinas Nassar

Login Screen

Arun A R

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

Gautham Babu

Wall of love

See what our learners have to say about us

Gokul S


I was looking forward to pivot from my Mechanical stream to coding. The BigBinary workshop helped me as a really good jumpstart to this process and I'm now able to develop interactive websites on my own.

Aaditya Shukla


My path into coding began with the help of the workshop. The assignments are difficult, the instructors are excellent and knowledgable, and the courses are well-structured. Overall, a fantastic learning experience!



An amazing workshop, very interactive and appealing to anyone looking to learn more about frontend programming. The mentors are very straightforward and really emphasize with everyone. It's always a pleasure to learn from them. The projects are also well thought of #lvlUp