Personal Resume Project

In this project, you'll create a resume webpage which will show all your web development work in one place. Here, you'll add your personal details and links to the projects that you have built. To get started, please scroll down and take a look at the tasks listed below.

Max Chat

Task 1

Create the header section with the main heading, subheading and introductory text.

Task 2

Create the "My Work" section with a single card for the battleship project.

Task 3

Add more cards for all the projects that you want to add.

Task 4

Ensure that only 2 cards are visible in the "My Work" section.

Task 5

Add a "View All" button at the bottom of the "My Work" section that will show more cards when clicked.

Task 6

Add a "Writings" section in the portfolio. If you don't have any writings, this is a good time to start. If you haven't written anything yet, change the heading to "Writings I like".

Task 7

Add a couple of articles that you have written or articles that you like in card format.

Task 8

Add a "View All" button at the bottom of the "Writings" section that will show more cards when clicked.

Task 9

Add the "Get in touch with me" section with appropriate text.

Task 10

Add a "Book a session" button in the bottom of the "Get in touch with me" section.

Task 11

Create the footer section with your social links.

Task 12

Add a sidebar to the left of the portfolio.

Task 13

Add a profile picture at the top of the sidebar with your name.

Task 14

Add internal links section in the sidebar with the four links to the sections : Intro, Work, Writings and Contact.

Task 15

Add social links using icons in the sidebar.

Task 16

Make the project responsive so it looks good on mobile, desktop and tablet.

Task 17

Ensure that your styling for the project is well done.

More Projects

These are some of the other projects you can build.