Wordle Game Project

Design the Wordle game, a single-player challenge where players guess a five-letter word within six attempts. Create the game layout and implement a feedback mechanism for correct, present, or absent letters. You will be building this project as part of our JavaScript Course.

Max Chat

Task - 01

  • Add the heading Wordle Game at the top of the container.

  • Add an input field that accepts up to 5 letters and is auto-focused when the game starts.

  • Add a button labelled Submit Guess to submit the entered guess.


Task - 02

  • Use Arial as the font for the game, with a light background color #f4f4f4.

  • Center all text on the page.

  • The game area should have a white background with a slight border and rounded corners.


Task - 03

  • Create a grid layout for the board with 5 cells per row, with space between each cell.

  • Make sure each cell is a square.


Task - 04

  • Place a Submit Guess input centered directly below the game board.

  • The submit button should be styled with padding and a bold font.

  • Add a paragraph below the submit button to display the feedback message.

  • To style the feedback message, add a "Congratulations! You guessed the word" as a placeholder text for now.

  • The feedback messages should be displayed below the button, bold and easy to read as per the image.

  • Remove the placeholder text after styling, as its display is handled later in the functionality.


Task - 05

  • Initialise the game with a random word by creating an array of words using the NeetoCode with a list of 600 words given in the resources.

  • Implement a function to select a random word from the array.

  • Use the selected word as the word to be guessed in the game.

  • Display the game state after the first guess from the user.


Task - 06

  • When the player submits a guess, check if the word is 5 letters long.

  • For each letter in the guess, compare it to the target word:

    • If the letter is in the correct position, mark the cell as correct and turn the cell green with white text.

    • If the letter is in the word but not in the correct position, mark it as present and turn the cell yellow with black text.

    • If the letter is not in the word, mark it as absent and turn the cell gray with white text.


Task - 07

  • The game reaches its final state either by the user guessing the word correctly or by using all the allowed attempts.

  • If the word is guessed correctly, a success message, Congratulations! You guessed the word! is displayed, and input is disabled.


Task - 08

  • If all attempts are used, a game-over message, Game over, the word was "correct word" is displayed along with the correct word, and input is disabled.


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