CineSearcher Phase 2

You will be building this project as part of our React Course. Make sure you have completed the CineSearcher Phase 1 before you start this. You need to deploy the changes for Phase 2 as well, and follow the same GitHub logistics as before. In Phase 2, we added more features to the CineSearcher focusing on improving the view history, creating a favourites tab, and expanding the search functionality.

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Task 01

  • Create Favourites Tab, to list the items set as favourite by the user.

  • Start by with placing the logo Cine Searcher on the top left in bold, using a slightly larger font size.

  • Style Cine in blue and Searcher in black.

  • Add two navigation links Home and Favourites to the right of the logo, with active tab styled in blue.

  • Add a container below the header to hold the list of movies, with sufficient spacing around the items.

  • Make sure the container allows vertical scrolling if there are many entries.

  • Give each list item a background color of #f5f5f5 with rounded corners and sufficient spacing for separation between items.

  • Display the title of each movie in bold and align it to the left.

  • Place the rating on the right side of each list item. Use a smaller, gray font for the label Rating and slightly larger font for the actual score (8.3/10).


Task 02

  • Add a button with a star icon to the detailed movie view that allows users to add or remove a movie from their favourite list.

  • The button should also display a tooltip with the txt Add to Favourites when hovered over.

  • Style the same as per the image provided.


Task 03

  • Place a filter icon on the right side of the search bar aligning it vertically with the input field.

  • On clicking the filter icon, toggle a dropdown containing the filter options (year and type).

  • Style the filter dropdown with a white background, rounded corners, and a light shadow.

  • Include a close X icon in the top-right corner of the dropdown to allow users to close it without applying changes.

  • Add an input field labeled Year within the dropdown, allowing users to type a specific year and restricting input to numbers.

  • Add two checkboxes under a Type label for Movie and Series, allowing users to select either or both options.

  • Style selected checkboxes with a blue checkmark #007bff, and set both checkboxes to checked by default.

  • Capture values from the year input and type checkboxes when the user initiates a search, passing these as parameters in the search function.

  • Display the filtered search results on the page, clearing previous results and only showing items that match the selected year and type.


Task 04

  • Implement functionality to remove individual items from the view history.

  • Add the ability to clear all items from the view history.

  • Have an alert modal before clearing items from the history.


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